Definition of school name

From the demand point of view, the software defines products and provides services according to the will of people and the needs of work, which embodies the humanistic thought and solves the needs of the industry.
Moral: Fuzhou Software Technology Vocational College adheres to the student-centred and human comprehensive and sustainable development, adheres to the idea of running schools relying on industry to serve industry, and takes the path of school-enterprise integration development.

From the functional point of view, the software solves the contradiction between the limited hardware and unlimited human needs, and virtualises and digitises all information.
Allegory: Fuzhou Software 
Technology Vocational College focuses on digital industry, accelerates digital transformation and innovative development, and strives to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents with "Digital+" as the main body of R&D, design and operation for the construction of "Digital Fujian" and "Digital Fuzhou". It focuses on the construction of "Digital Fujian" and "Digital Fuzhou" by cultivating high-quality technical and skilled talents in R&D, design and operation.

Fuzhou Software Technology Vocational  College is abbreviated as "FuSoft". Fu: Firstly, the college is based in Fuzhou, which has always been known as the "blessed state"; secondly, Fu is the great faith and unremitting pursuit of the Chinese nation inherited from generation to generation, and it is the spiritual power flowing in the blood of every Chinese child. The Chinese culture of blessing is a living cultural system, which not only supports people's expectation for a happy life, but also embodies people's pursuit of a better future. Soft: with the meaning of soft power, it is a powerful attraction formed through the continuous pursuit of excellence and self-improvement, with strong persuasive power and penetration.

Moral: Fuzhou Software Vocational and Technical College adheres to the parenting philosophy of "cultivating a child, benefiting a family, and contributing to the country and society", adheres to the strategy of establishing schools on the basis of quality and strengthening schools with talents, strengthens reform and innovation, and explores the "FuSoft" mode of vocational school running to enhance the comprehensive strength of running schools for the regional economic development. We will adhere to the strategy of quality and talent, strengthen reform and innovation, explore the "FuSoft" mode of running vocational colleges, enhance the comprehensive strength of running schools, and cultivate skilled craftsmen and great master craftsmen for the regional economic development.