School motto and emblem

School Logo


The design concept of the school logo is to use graphics and text to show the design concept of stability, symbolism and recognition. The elephant is the main element, together with the shield-shaped background, and the olive branch is embellished at the bottom to form a round icon. The outer edge of the icon carries the words of our logo in English and Chinese, i.e. Fuzhou Software Technology Vocational College, which gives it a strong symbolic recognition.

The dancing elephant in the icon is not only characterised by stability, reliability and strength, but also symbolises the message "Nothing Is Impossible".The element of bachelor's cap represents fruitful learning, while books are the ocean of knowledge. The combination of elephant and books symbolises that our school is exploring the road of modern vocational education in a down-to-earth yet innovative manner, and that it is one step ahead of the other;And the olive branch signifies harmony, honour and friendship. It symbolises our school's emphasis on talent cultivation, working together for greater honour and a better tomorrow.

school motto

"houde" means “Virtue”,which is the basis of human beings: "houde" is a word from the Yi Jing Kun Gua: "The grandeur of the earth is one of generosity and harmony, and a gentleman should increase his virtue." “hou de zai wu”means "Virtue carries all things" ,which refers to the spirit of embracing all things and carrying ideals with a broad and tolerant moral mind. The intention is to require the school to adhere to the moral education first, as the basis of human education, the foundation of the school, the foundation of the school, expect the majority of teachers and students can be a noble moral body, with noble morals to carry the world's heavy responsibility.

“du xing” means “Dutifulness”,which  is the way of learning: the word "du xing" comes from the Book of Li Ji Zhong Yong: "Learning from experience, inquiring, thinking carefully, discerning, and acting conscientiously." The word "Dugong" comes from the Book of Rites - Zhongyong: "Learning from knowledge, questioning, thinking carefully, discerning clearly, and acting conscientiously. "du xing" means dedication, perseverance, unity of knowledge and practice, and pragmatism in one's career and studies. "du xing" is meant to guide teachers and students to be down-to-earth, to be physically active, and to apply what they have learnt. 

“li xue”means "Inspiring learning" which is the foundation of success: the word "li xue" comes from the famous poem Li Xue Pian  by Emperor Song Zhenzong. It means to exhort people to study diligently and strive tirelessly to achieve success in life."li xue" refers to the meaning of inspirational learning, motivation, encouraging teachers and students to study diligently, hard work, focusing on the accumulation of knowledge, quality enhancement, so as to do the accumulation of future success.

“qiang ji“means ”"Strengthening skills" ,which is a necessity for survival: "Strengthening skills", that is, improving skills and enhancing skills, requires that attention be paid to the combination of theory and practice, mastering technology, improving skills and enhancing skills."qiang ji" highlights vocational skills as the core, which is the "foundation" of higher vocational education."qiang ji" requires teachers and students to study hard and strive for excellence in professional and technical aspects, to explore and innovate, to survive and develop with a skill, to maintain an advantage in the competition with a skill, and to serve the society and the country with a skill.

 The school motto of “hou de du xing,li xue qiang ji”is simple, concise and profound, implying the school's characteristics and orientation, as well as the school's philosophy of governance and policy of school development.

 "hou de" highlights the educational philosophy of putting moral education first; "du xing" emphasises the importance of practice and unity of knowledge and action; "li xue" is the attitude of pursuing and managing studies; "qiang ji" reflects the characteristics of higher vocational education.


Mascot design concept: selecting the elephant on the school logo as the prototype, inviting internationally renowned pop artist - Romero Britto, using an art style that combines graffiti and pop elements, he gives elephants colourful and imaginative shapes, giving people a strong sense of happiness and hope, and conveying a positive and optimistic atmosphere.The youthfulness and vitality possessed by the steady, reliable and powerful elephant symbolises the youthfulness and vitality of the school's students. Meanwhile, the gorgeous colour blocks are effectively integrated with the corporate culture of the school's organiser, which foretells that the school and the organiser will join hands to explore the happy genes together, continue to transmit positive energy and create a wonderful life together.